Sunday, November 7, 2010


Today I lost a big amount of post, which I had written.

To summarize: fuck my novel, fuck this girl I knew in middle school, fuck VCU (but not really), fuck everything.

Apparently my mother's friend's husband accidentally woodchipped the end of his useful (i.e. index) finger off. And "it's very painful." Shockingly enough.

Hunter's all upset/frustrated/wishing it were not the case that I am at home, leaving him all alone to seethe while playing Final Fantasy while the dumb kids laugh drunkenly in the other room. He's convinced that they're so much more annoying than usual, but I think he's just lonely. He doesn't like that he would have to be drinking to have fun tonight, although I keep suggesting that maybe he could have fun if he just went over, but he's gotten himself too incensed to give it a fair chance. I mean, it makes sense. He's pretty much been left out of everything all weekend, and it's not like people don't know that he can't join in with drinking (I mean, not "can't," except in principles), and... Whatever. My point is that he's justified in being annoyed at being ignored all the time.

I've never been drunk. I've never had drinking friends--well, that's not true. I've had plenty of friends who drink, who like to get drunk and who do so frequently. They've just never actually liked me enough to invite me drinking with them. I mean, I've never been popular, so I never went to those high school parties where you play beer pong ("only we ran out of beer, so then we started using vodka, I got sooo wasted") and get raped, but the nerds and other non-conformists have parties too, right? I know they do, because I've seen plenty of pictures on Facebook and read plenty of blog posts from my friends about parties that I wasn't invited to. I don't know if people think I'm immature, or if I'm just not fun to be around, or what the hell. But, yeah, so, I've never been drunk, which I guess makes me even less desirable as a person to invite to parties, on account of how I don't know how to drink. Although Kate didn't know how to drink and people still apparently wanted to get drunk with her. But Kate's better at groups than I am, so I guess that's just that. Whatever.


  1. So i wrote this once before and am going to try to remember everything i had said before.

    1. If you had been on campus george i would've invited you. 2. I wasn't invited either, i only ended up at the party because it had been moved to george and scooter's room which is where i was planning to play kh but never got to do. 3. The people who threw the party were music majors and kate's friends, which is more then likely why she was invited. 4. I've never been drunk either, and i was never invited to parties during hs either.

  2. For some reason Blogspot does not like to post anything today.

    I'm sorry about Hunter. He was more than welcome to join us on Saturday. He didn't have to have anything, he could have just sat around and enjoyed our stupidity. I felt bad cause he kept coming in, standing awkwardly after asking what we were doing, and then leaving. He didn't have to have anything if he was uncomfortable with it, Kristina and Molly didn't.

    I think one of the big problems is some people come off as not wanting to be around people drinking. I know I was like that in high school. Sometimes it also feels rude to ask people how they feel about it, if you know what I mean.

    Anyway, I'm sorry that Hunter felt left out, and he has every right to be angry and upset. You guys do get dropped out a lot and I feel bad.

    On the partying aspect. Do you want to? Does Hunter want to come with? I do know other people if you guys want to come and watch people be retarded.

    When you get back on campus I wanna have a talk with you, Hunter and Kristina. Just some things I want to know so we can all do crazy shit together.
