Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I have read 51 pages of it. I can't get myself to just close the friggin' window. Ohgodpandabreadnooooooooo!

Okay, distracted. Temporarily. Because I have super-completed (that is, blocked -- if you want to know how cool blocking really is, click the little link to "Cross your legs" and see what that shawl looked like before blocking, because it really is pretty neat-o -- basically you get your knit wool thing wet, stretch it out until it looks like what you want it to look like, pin it down, leave it to dry, and when you come back and un-pin it, it stays that way!) the blue triangle I was working on a long time ago. It's not really a triangle, and it's not really blue (more navy/dark green/purple), and I have worn it as a scarf before, and it really is quite nice and fuzzy and now it's very light-feeling. I should have made it more curvy, like a crescent shape, because that would work better for a scarf of this nature, but it's nice and I like it regardless. I still have some other knitting to do, such as those socks I've been ignoring, the other blue triangle (actually a triangle, but green-changing-to-blue) I've also been ignoring, and everything else I want to make. Like a sweater. A particular sweater. A sweater which I can picture in my head...but will probably never knit. I don't really wear sweaters. (It would be very dark grey and it would have this zig-zaggy pattern in the yoke and it would be great and I don't really want to just knit knit knit knit knit a sweater for ages and ages and aaages. But I might. Because I really want this sweater. I've wanted it for months. Similar to this, but not exactly. Actually not that similar. But kind of similar.)

Enough knitting. Class time. Must walk. More post later.

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