Saturday, January 15, 2011


But I don't think I will buy a whole one again. Maybe slices at pie-serving restaurants, but not a whole pie. Blackberries are too large for pies. Hard to eat. But delicious. Plus, my sister won't eat blackberry pie, so my mother cut it into enormous slices (like, 1/5 of pie enormous) so as to get rid of it in a reasonable amount of time.

I'm knitting socks. My whole family is getting knitting gifts this year. Maybe my sister will get yarn instead of a whole knit thing, but everyone else. Knit things. Probably mostly socks. Socks for my mother, socks for my father... Plenty of socks for me. I love socks. Maybe a pair of socks for my brother, but these gloves are technically getting to him this year, so maybe that counts. Everything about him is enormous. It's a pain. OH GOD WHY DID I PHRASE THAT.

Anyway, yeah, socks, I love socks.

1 comment:

  1. It didn't hit me until you said "OH GOD WHY DID I PHRASE THAT" and then I died.
